Java 시스템 정보 가져오기
2011. 1. 19. 15:00
Java에서 현재 시스템의 정보를 가져오기 위해서는 System 클래스의 getPoperty(String key) 메소드를 이용하면 된다.
Key | Description | |
1 | java.version | The version of Java Runtime Environment. |
2 | java.vendor | The name of Java Runtime Environment vendor |
3 | java.vendor.url | The URL of Java vendor |
4 | java.home | The directory of Java installation |
5 | java.vm.specification.version | The specification version of Java Virtual Machine |
6 | java.vm.specification.vendor | The name of specification vendor of Java Virtual Machine |
7 | | Java Virtual Machine specification name |
8 | java.vm.version | JVM implementation version |
9 | java.vm.vendor | JVM implementation vendor |
10 | | JVM implementation name |
11 | java.specification.version | The name of specification version Java Runtime Environment |
12 | java.specification.vendor | JRE specification vendor |
13 | | JRE specification name |
14 | java.class.version | Java class format version number |
15 | java.class.path | Path of java class |
16 | java.library.path | List of paths to search when loading libraries |
17 | | The path of temp file |
18 | java.compiler | The Name of JIT compiler to use |
19 | java.ext.dirs | The path of extension directory or directories |
20 | | The name of OS name |
21 | os.arch | The OS architecture |
22 | os.version | The version of OS |
23 | file.separator | The File separator |
24 | path.separator | The path separator |
25 | line.separator | The line separator |
26 | | The name of account name user |
27 | user.home | The home directory of user |
28 | user.dir | The current working directory of the user |
public class OpertingSystemInfo { public static void main(String[] args) { String nameOS = ""; String versionOS = "os.version"; String architectureOS = "os.arch"; System.out.println("\n The information about OS"); System.out.println("\nName of the OS: " + System.getProperty(nameOS)); System.out.println("Version of the OS: " + System.getProperty(versionOS)); System.out.println("Architecture of THe OS: " + System.getProperty(architectureOS)); } }
[출처] Operating System Information