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목록Dev Environment (12)
Open SourceLucene / Nutch / Solr / Carrot^2 Geared towards programmers and techies. lucene.apache.org/ lucene.apache.org/nutch/ lucene.apache.org/solr/ project.carrot2.org/ Hybrid: Open Source with Company Add OnsFlax www.flax.co.uk which is based on Xapian Xapian www.xapian.org Tesuji www.tesuji.eu Smila www.eclipse.org/smila wiki.eclipse.org/SMILA Free: CommercialFree IBM/Yahoo Offering "IBM O..
1. High Level feature comparison 2. Compare the indexing performance 3. Measuring Relevance: Medical Data Set [출처] A Comparison of Open Source Search Engines
1. Mantis BT 다운로드http://sourceforge.net/projects/mantisbt/files/mantis-stable/※ 1.2.12에서는 Eclipse의 Task와 한글 연동이 안되는 것 같음 2. 압축풀기다운로드 받은 파일의 압축을 풀고 Apache의 htdocs로 이동한다.예) C:\Programs\Apache\htdocs\mantis 3. Mantis DB 설정3.1 http://youdomatin/mantis_folder/admin/install.php로 접속예) http://localhost/mantis/admin/install.php 3.2 DB 계정을 입력하고 Install/Upgrade 버튼을 클릭하면 설치가 시작되고, 설치가 성공하면 아래와 같은 결과가 뜸 4. 설..
1. Mantis BT의 config_inc.php에 메일 계정 설정$g_phpMailer_method= PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP;$g_smtp_host= 'smtp.gmail.com';$g_smtp_connection_mode = 'tls';$g_smtp_port= '587';$g_smtp_username= 'youraccount@gmail.com';$g_smtp_password= 'your-email-password';$g_administrator_email = 'youradminemail@gmail.com';$g_send_reset_password= ON;$g_validate_email= ON; 2. Apache의 php.ini에서 openssl.dll 포함시키기;extension=p..